Everything You Need To Know About Eggs
Get your chalazae (the shock absorber that holds the yolk suspended in the shell) on because we're celebrating these perfect oval bundles of high quality protein. They can do it all – bind, leaven, thicken, emulsify, clarify, scramble and poach – and we’ve got the intel to make you a full on eggs-pert.
fresh eggs?
To tell if an egg is fresh, place it in cold, salted water. If it sinks, it’s super-fresh, if it stays suspended, it’s around 2 weeks old and if it floats to the top, toss it because it’s long past its expiry date.
storing eggs
Contrary to refrigerator advertisements, keep your eggs in the carton. Eggs have over 17,000 pores on the shells’ surface and can absorb unwanted flavors and odors. As well, be sure to store the carton on an inside shelf of the refrigerator as the door temperature is a few degrees warmer and can compromise the freshness of your eggs.
brown eggs vs. white eggs
There isn’t a difference in nutrition between white and brown eggs – the shell color comes from the type of hen that lays the egg.
egg mess
Dropped an egg on the floor? Sprinkle it heavily with salt, let it sit 10 minutes and it’ll be a breeze to clean up.
the perfect hard-boiled egg
In a saucepan, place eggs in a single layer and cover with cold water by 1 inch. Over medium-high heat, bring water to a rapid boil. Remove from heat, cover and let stand for 15 minutes. Drain and run eggs under icy water until cool.
whipping egg whites
If you’re whipping egg whites into a frenzy, make sure you let them come to room temperature first – you’ll get better results. If you’re in a rush, place eggs in a bowl of warm water for 10 minutes to quickly bring them to room temperature.
freezing egg whites
You can freeze your egg whites. Keep them in an airtight container and they’re good frozen for up to 2 weeks.